Tuesday, January 26, 2010

WHAT A 100,000 Dollar Pitiful JOKE!

Are some of you people in Texas kidding me? Seriously nobody saw this one coming? A guy that can't catch a fish to save his life in B.A.S.S. or when cameras are on him is then caught cheating, WHAT A DANG SURPRISE!
He is the all time leading money winner in a Tourney Trail, they should be ashamed if not down right humiliated for being complacent in a CRIME. And if they did run the sorry sack off then why not publish it and sing it from the rafters. Tell us all that ROBBY ROSE was removed from our tournaments because he is a CHEAT! No proof my rear. You apologists can say whatever you want but here is what I know, my grandma taught me the proof is in the pudding..............


21 B.A.S.S. tournaments and not a single top 5 finish or should I say not a single top 20 finish! And this is the All Time leading money winner for Bass Champs? Apologize all you want, he is a cheater and someone knew it! Someone kicked him out of some tournament or club or just their dang house before and somebody should have done it again! You can't worry that some individual will get a low down scummy attorney and sue you for libel or slander, NO WORRY, the truth is always a defense to those claims!!

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