Thursday, July 30, 2009

LADY LUCK A solo act

In the world there are times where it takes an amazing number of factors to bring about an event or result. Even just brewing a cup of coffee takes a medium, heat source and solvent. Nothing it seems is capable of being solely responsible for any outcome. But leave it to tournament fisherman to identify a phenomenon.
Each anglers bad luck is the sole cause of their out of the money finish. When weigh-ins begin it becomes a village of men standing about talking about their BAD LUCK. Listen closely and the same maladies effect them all, standards include, "I broke off...", "I lost a...", "trolling motor quit at.." The anglers in the money seem completely unaware that only the bad luck of the other anglers stood in the way of them having to join one of the cliques. The other anglers skill, poor decisions and any other factors be damned! My bad luck is the only reason I did not win like I should have!

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